Bicycle Track

Bicycle Track

The 50 / 60 m wide NH 3 from War Museum to Attari Border is straight runoff 20 km on level fields in East West direction. There is another 20 km stretch beyond War Museum to Amritsar that can be considered for the project later.
This is a very historical and important route. The road was linking Lahore, the capital of Punjab before 1947 with rest of India. The Attari Border Post is just about 20 km from Lahore.
Now NHAI is developing the spaces within ROW for multiple uses. The Consultant is proposing different feasibilities – Trees; Plantation; Beautification; Bicycle Tracks; Leisure Sports; Activity Zone for kids and people of all ages, etc. Additionally, it has also suggested that a Walking Trails & Trot Trail may be added. Due to limited width available it will be a minor foot path of 1.5 meter width that has been accommodated in the newly and ongoing plantation. However, in the next development on the remaining 20 km the Walking Trails can be and must be wider.
A two-way Bicycle Track is proposed on the 18 km stretch on South side of NH 3 up to Bund, just short of Attari Border. South side has more land available within ROW. The track is amongst the trees for most of the stretch.
However, on 3 occasions the path will be on the Service Road stretches – totaling about 3 km. In other words we will have 15 km amongst trees in 3 stretches and remaining 3 km on 3 Service Road stretches. NHAI Chairman Dr. S.S. Sandhu is the force behind this unique project under Green Highways


  • Year : 2020
  • Location : Amritsar, Punjab
  • Architect : Sunil Kumar Day
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